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10 questions to Camille Sednaoui, CEO – TradeXBank AG Zurich
4 months ago

10 questions to Camille Sednaoui, CEO – TradeXBank AG Zurich

Camille Sednaoui has been appointed CEO of TradeXbank in 2024. He joined from Crédit Agricole Indosuez (Switzerland) SA where he was heading the International Trade & Transaction banking unit and a member to the Executive Committee.
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When traders rule the markets
4 months ago

When traders rule the markets

Is the WTO facing the same fate as its Geneva neighbor, UNCTAD? UNCTAD had its moment of glory in the seventies: in 1976, the fourth UNCTAD was held in Nairobi and launched the Integrated Programme on Basic Commodities.
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Brèves de marchés :  les coulisses des forces émergentes
5 months ago

Brèves de marchés : les coulisses des forces émergentes

La Russie – dont l’économie se porte mieux qu’escompté – marque des points que ce soit au Proche-Orient ou en Afrique où on peut imaginer son influence dans la décision du Burkina, du Mali et du Niger de quitter la CEDEAO. L’Iran ne cesse de mettre de l’huile sur le feu et entretient l’insécurité dans la région en contribuant – par Houtis interposés – à presque bloquer la mer Rouge, l’une des artères les plus sensibles du commerce mondial.
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How to Stay Focused in a World of Distractions
5 months ago

How to Stay Focused in a World of Distractions

By  •  Career Path

The frenetic nature of our day-to-day lives means that many things we want to achieve come to nothing, perhaps without us even knowing it. Breaking off from and …
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9 questions to Marie-José Karam, Business Coach, Entrepreneur & Angel Investor based in Canada
6 months ago

9 questions to Marie-José Karam, Business Coach, Entrepreneur & Angel Investor based in Canada

Marie-José Karam is a visionary leader in the fields of entrepreneurship and investment. With extensive experience in team development and business creation, she has dedicated her entire career to the success of consumer-oriented businesses in sectors such as wine, food, agricultural commodities, and the supply chain.
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GTR MENA 2024 Dubai
7 months ago

GTR MENA 2024 Dubai

By  •  Events

GTR MENA returns to Dubai on February 20-21, where over 80 industry experts will consider the latest trends over the past 12 months and share leading insights into the current state and future trends in global trade, exports and supply chain financing.
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Beyond trends, towards a sustainable strategy
8 months ago

Beyond trends, towards a sustainable strategy

While the commodity trading industry is flooded with buzzwords and emerging trends, it is crucial to step back and critically reflect on what these developments truly mean for businesses and stakeholders. At Ampersand World, we believe that following trends without a deep understanding and a solid strategy is a recipe for long-term failure.
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8 questions to Edouard Bourdon, Business Developer at Gunvor Group Ltd
8 months ago

8 questions to Edouard Bourdon, Business Developer at Gunvor Group Ltd

Edouard Bourdon, an expert in structured financing, currently serves as a business developer at Gunvor Group Ltd in Singapore, playing a crucial role in the expansion and strengthening of regional operations.
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