
Tech & Digital

Beyond trends, towards a sustainable strategy
8 months ago

Beyond trends, towards a sustainable strategy

While the commodity trading industry is flooded with buzzwords and emerging trends, it is crucial to step back and critically reflect on what these developments truly mean for businesses and stakeholders. At Ampersand World, we believe that following trends without a deep understanding and a solid strategy is a recipe for long-term failure.
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Au-delà des tendances, vers une stratégie durable
8 months ago

Au-delà des tendances, vers une stratégie durable

Alors que l’industrie du commodity trading est inondée de “buzzwords” et de tendances émergentes, il est crucial de prendre du recul et de réfléchir de manière critique à ce que ces évolutions signifient réellement pour les entreprises et les parties prenantes. Chez Ampersand World, nous croyons que suivre les tendances sans une compréhension profonde et une stratégie solide est une recette pour l’échec à long terme.
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4 Questions to Felipe Elink Schuurman, Co-Founder & CEO Sparta Commodities
3 years ago

4 Questions to Felipe Elink Schuurman, Co-Founder & CEO Sparta Commodities

Felipe Elink Shuurman has more than 20 years of experience in Energy and Oil trading. As an experienced trader turned Entrepreneur, Felipe drives strategic vision and growth at Sparta…
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4 Questions to Arnaud Lorioz – Founder & CEO of The DeepCore, Sugar Brokerage & Digital Trading Platform
3 years ago

4 Questions to Arnaud Lorioz – Founder & CEO of The DeepCore, Sugar Brokerage & Digital Trading Platform

Arnaud Lorioz is the founder and CEO of The Deepcore, a Paris-based commodities brokerage and Digital solution company which helps the pure players in the industry by developing tools for tomorrow’s markets.
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