

An Interview with Charles Quenardel, Trader at Ameropa, a grain trading firm
5 years ago

An Interview with Charles Quenardel, Trader at Ameropa, a grain trading firm

Violaine, AW’s Project Manager, introduces you to a dynamic trader in agribusiness, with whom she shares values, vision and philosophy about the agricultural industry. She met him several years ago at one of AW’s business event. Here are his thoughts.
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Knowledge Is Power: Meet Our E-learning Speaker Joshua Hawkins
5 years ago

Knowledge Is Power: Meet Our E-learning Speaker Joshua Hawkins

Joshua Hawkins is one of AW Academy’s main e-learning speakers, providing information about commodity trading that it will take you years to collect otherwise.
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Anna Lami’s Unusual Career Path Shows that Everything Is Possible
5 years ago

Anna Lami’s Unusual Career Path Shows that Everything Is Possible

From commodity trader with 20 years of experience to head of human resources: you won’t find a professional reorientation more unusual than that. Anna Lami, 41, had the courage to change course.
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“Traders Only” Afterwork at Café de la Bourse
5 years ago

“Traders Only” Afterwork at Café de la Bourse

In June 2019, we organized a “Traders Only” afterwork opened to all traders in Commodity Trading. Aimed to unite our community and meet up with our team
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