
About Philippe Chalmin

Philippe Chalmin is a Member of the Council of Economic Analysis appointed by the Prime Minister, he is the Founding Chairman of Cyclope, the main European research institute on commodity markets which annually publishes the Cyclope report on the economy and global markets. In October 2010, he was appointed Chairman of the Observatory on Agricultural and Food Prices and Margins (Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Economy and Finance). He is the author of close to forty publications, including the most recent “The World is Hungry” (2009), “Le siècle de Jules” (2010), “Demain, j’ai 60 ans, journal d’un économiste” (2011) and “Crises 1929, 1974, 2008 Histoire et espérances” (2013). He is a graduate of HEC, holder of the agrégation in history and Doctor of Literature, Philippe Chalmin is Professor of Economic History at Paris-Dauphine University where he directs the Masters in International Affairs.
Latest Posts | By Philippe Chalmin
Matières premières, les premières prévisions «post-coronavirus» confirment l’ampleur de la crise
5 years ago

Matières premières, les premières prévisions «post-coronavirus» confirment l’ampleur de la crise

Le groupe d’étude du Cercle Cyclope évoque l’impact du coronavirus sur la demande des matières premières. A l’heure du déconfinement, les premières prévisions « post-coronavirus » ne font que confirmer l’ampleur d’une crise dont nul n’aurait imaginé la profondeur.
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Global Commodity Prices Outlook for 2020
5 years ago

Global Commodity Prices Outlook for 2020

Study Group Cyclope discusses the impact of coronavirus on demand and predicts that prices should remain depressed in 2020. There are some exceptions, though, like palladium and wheat.
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Commodity Markets: Iran and US Election Remain the Biggest Wild Cards
5 years ago

Commodity Markets: Iran and US Election Remain the Biggest Wild Cards

With a unexpected strike, the US eliminated the Iranian number two and the man really responsible for Iran’s military activities in the Middle East, Qassem Soleimani.
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Trade War, the US and China Will Find Common Ground
5 years ago

Trade War, the US and China Will Find Common Ground

The US-China trade war has taken its toll on farmers and commodity trading companies. However, the two economic powerhouses will finally arrive at the “peace of the brave”, according to Cyclope.
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